Painting for me is like composing music, and composing music is like painting.

Jacqui Taylor, born in Britain, Kingston upon Thames, studied art at Farnham Art College and graduated with her BA Hons from Brighton University. Now based in Nottingham she loves painting Abstracts: Medium - Oils, Acrylics, and what she calls her abstract doodles using Ink pen to build up intricate pictures.
Dark Matter.
I planted a kiss on the lips of Creation,When a dream was the spark to ignite dark abyss.My mind wandered far between vast constellations;Pondered each season and reason for why we exist.
I reach for the Moon and yet grasp the supernal;Eclipse their dull dogmas with all-seeing eyes.In the depth of my quest espy knowledge eternal;That energy, atoms and truth never dies.
One pulse that beats at the heart of all things;An infinite symphony’s vibrating strings.When planets collide and our galaxies scatter,Shall my words survive on the tides of Dark Matter?
I’m so disappointed. Such wisdom I gave you;Could now have harnessed the power of suns.Yet changed these equations to abominations,Thus squandered my talents for profit and guns.
I’ve dined with The Serpent in Eden’s fair garden;Beheld as an apple fell down from that tree.Entwined in my sin saw no hope of God’s pardon.Aligned with the grimoires of Great Alchemy.
Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Cassini; Tesla, Higgs, Newton, Bohr, Einstein, Dirac.Hawking, Planck, Curie, Feynman & Hubble; Mandelbrot, Turing & Schroedinger's cat!?
One pulse that beats at the heart of all things;An infinite symphony’s vibrating strings.When planets collide and our galaxies scatter,Shall my words survive on the tides of Dark Matter?
You’re too busy fighting, mistrusting, back-biting,To pay due attention to wise ghosts like me.Spend your lives learning, observing and writing;Else lost in Dark Matter your futures shall be.
Turn on the lights!